Virtus Wealth's Blog

Wealth Management with Character, Moral Strength, and Excellence

Looking for An Investment That Is Not Affected By Market and Economic Conditions?

What IS a Life Settlement?

A life settlement is the sale of an existing life insurance policy held by a terminally ill or elderly person to another party.  Life Partners analyzes every policy submitted to ensure it meets our stringent criteria for an investment grade policy.  Once it has been approved by Life Partners, the price of the policy is negotiated with the owner who receives a portion of the face value for the transfer of the policy.  Once the life insurance policy has matured, the investor then collects the full amount paid out under the policy. 

Life settlements are similar to zero-coupon bonds.  They are purchased at discounts to their face value which fall into general brackets according to the life expectancy of the owner or insured. These discounts will vary slightly based on individual policy features and market conditions. 

Yield is computed from the difference between the cost basis (including any premiums paid) and the amount paid out under the policy upon the demise of the insured.  An annualized returned on investment may be derived from this yield by adjusting it for the holiding period of the investment.

The acquisition cost includes all of LPT’s fees and costs associated with the acquisition of the policy as well as an amount for the payment of premiums during the maximum life expectancy of the insured as determined by independent medical consultants.  In the event the escrow is depleted before the demise of the insured, the purchaser is responsible for replenishing the account to the extent of their interest in the policy.  Likewise, in the event the policy matures earlier than the estimated maximum life expectancy, unused premiusm remaining in the escrow account are returned to the purchasers in addition to their share of policy proceeds. 

Life Settlements provide a valuable service for both the investor and the insured.  To the investor, a life settlement is a long-term investment unaffected by market conditions, global economy or worlld events.  To the insured, the sale of their personal policy means a chance to receive money today for an asset they no longer need.

Life Partners acts as a matchmaker between life settlements and their invetors, making the best possible union based on the individual goals of each purchasing investor.  Life Partners provides its life settlement services to individual accredited investors both through “cash” and IRA or other qualified plan investment and to institutional investors.

You may be asking yourself the benefits of Life Settlements. . .

1.  Unaffected by Market and Economic Conditions

2.  Superior Yield Potential.

3.  Relatively Low risk to Investment Capital

4.  Investor Controlled Policy Purchases

5.  Integrity of Asset Safekeeping and Receipt of Proceeds

6.  Esperience and Transparency

For a detailed explanation of the above benefits, visit our website at:

under “Services”.  You may also contact us directly at to set a (no-pressure, no sales) complimentary consultation with us to review the investment’s benefits and risks.

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September 10, 2009 Posted by | Financial Advisory, Financial Advisory, Southlake Financinal Advisors, Grapevine Financial Advisors, Financial Investment, Retirement, Retire,, Grapevine Financial Advisors, investment advice, planning for retirement, Retirement, Southlake Financial Advisors, Uncategorized, wealth management | , | Leave a comment